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“The Keys to the Kingdom” Book Study

7 Week Course on Prosperity Consciousness Building

Book Study Begins The Week Of March 9th.


Abundance is your spiritual birthright. You do not have to earn abundance or otherwise prove to God that you are worthy of this great gift. You were created in the image and likeness of God, out of God Itself. You deserve to live an abundant, prosperous, happy, fulfilling and successful life—simply because you exist. True abundance is not just having more material good in your life—it is actually a deep spiritual awareness that God is the ultimate source for your good. The reason you may not be living with the sense of abundance you desire lies entirely within your own consciousness. The gift of infinite possibilities has already been given to you. But it is up to you to accept it—in your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs and actions.

The Keys to the Kingdom is an advanced seven-week course in building a new consciousness—and acceptance of true abundance.

This course offers:
•A new vision of your highest potential and a greater sense of personal power.
•A new understanding of spiritual law and your partnership with Spirit.
•A greater appreciation for the goodness of life and freedom from the past.
•A new way of living that will keep you in the flow of true abundance.

If you are willing to make this commitment, you will profoundly alter your experience of life’s abundance and awareness of your own highest potential. That’s a guarantee!

If you would like to follow along, you can purchase the book below:



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