
First Unity is now LIVE! Join us!

Women have long been the “Keepers of the Mystical Flame of Life.”

Female Intuition is an innate gift. Women gathered herbs to heal the sick and protect the tribe. They invited Higher Powers to intervene for family prosperity by invoking the Power of Prayer, Meditation, Dreams, Art, Dance, and Music. They enlightened and educated the community with the Power of the WORD.

We honor, celebrate, and share this innate female power during this two-day weekend retreat by creating a unique retreat for the Spirit of Women to Express and Grow in Universal Mysticism. Join us as we learn to reconnect through deep expression with the mysticism of Sacred Dream Doors, Word Power, Cosmic Vibrational Sound, and Energy Consciousness connecting deeper to Higher Power through guided meditation, and much more. Join us as we go back to the future to reconnect with our Inner Female Mysticism at the Women’s Mystical Spirit Expressing Retreat.


When: Saturday and Sunday, December 11-12 2021
Where: First Unity Spiritual Campus
460 46 th Ave N., Saint Petersburg FL
What: 7 Classes presented by qualified Unity Influencers/Instructors
Cost: $100 for 2 day inspirational retreat

  • Meditation 11:00 am – 11:15 am
  • Lunch is included on Saturday.
  • Sunday Lunch is an affordable buffet
  • Sunday Service 11:30-1:00 pm at First Unity Campus

Participants will receive a signed Certificate of Completion


About the Courses:

Mystical Movement

Instructor: Reverend Dr. Aileen Curtin

Saturday 9:45 AM

When we move consciously and with awareness we touch the essence of who we are and experience the unity between spirit and matter. This class is an invitation to move and to pray using gentle Yoga/QiGong and dance somatic practices of soul motion, into the wide and open arms of the mystery of YOU.

You will explore how to use your body and movement to unlock energies, uplift and raise your vibrations so you can move beyond the confines of the seen, into the realms of the invisible and unseen. You will learn why grounding in your feet will stimulate your insight, intuition and premonition and
access the portal into the unknown mystery of who you are.

We will explore movements and Yoga Mudras and Asanas to:

  • Self-Meditate/self-medicate
  • Ground and stand on your own two feet
  • Move energy through body
  • Use yoga mudras to rebalance energies
  • Increase positive body image and self-love
  • Explore warrior dance poses (elemental rhythms)

Your Emotion is Powerful: Expressing and Healing with Writing

Instructors: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos | Rev. Sandra Kitt

Saturday 10:15 AM

This class will focus on using deep personal expression as a
mystical means to heal old emotional wounds. This healing will be accomplished by writing and then releasing those writings to the Universe. The participant’s writings will focus on the memories and “things that hold us back from joy in life.” Participants may share their feelings and insights with the class.

Your Mystical Inner Self: A Healing Art Experience

Instructor: Rev. P.A. Serena Hemmer, MSW LCSW

Saturday 12:45 PM

Each of us carry all the characteristics of All That Is, Creator, Source. In this interactive session, enter into a Mystical-Self guided meditation to discover the wisdom, beauty and power of your own Inner Mystical Self, followed by creating a visual piece through the art of painting. Please bring an old shirt to cover your clothing. No previous art experience needed.

Transformational Energy Tools for Today: Shifting your Paradigm, Parts 1 and 2

Instructor: Rev. Marya Flurnoy

Saturday 2:00 PM

As the world shifts and changes, the one constant is who we are and how we relate to ourselves. This interactive workshop brings new insight to the power we already are and gives tools that empower and support our magnificence. We will experience how to shift group energy as well as daily energy returns to keep us healthy, peaceful and secure.

Get Quiet and Listen: Using Your Non-Dominant Hand to Receive Messages from Source

Instructor: Rev. Carolyn Ballenger

Saturday 3:15 PM

Join her as she leads you in a meditation to allow yourself to open up to feel and hear a personal message from Divine Spirit. We will be writing with our non-dominant hand to receive a word or words to guide us in the months ahead. Search Carolyn Ballenger on YouTube for inspirational music videos and meditations.

Healing Drum Circle- I Release and Let Go!

Rev Serena Hemmer | Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

Saturday 4:30 PM
Bring your drum, rattles, and rainsticks! Rhythmic sound and movement have been a part of life since the beginning of the human experience on earth. The benefits include creating and maintaining physical, mental, social and spiritual health.

Cosmic Vibrational Sound Healing – Putting Knowledge into Practice

Instructor: Rev. P.A. Serena Hemmer, MSW LCSW

Sunday 9:45 AM

Quantum Physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings. Experience the vibrational healing sounds of crystal singing bowls, Cosmic Light Language, and chanting the ancient Solfeggio tones and the tones of Chakras for self- healing. Discover the correlation between the sound vibrational frequencies of the Ancient Solfeggio tones and the levels and states of consciousness as identified by Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Hawkins, respectively.

Paradigm Shifts

Instructor: Rev. Marya Flurnoy

Sunday 2:00 PM

In this segment, we will learn how to shift within, from negative emotions to being willing and open to accepting change, and experiencing shifts. Both segments include workbook and laminated Daily Energy Chart.

Your Mystical Dreams – Unmasked

Instructors: Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos | Rev. Sandra Kitt

Sunday 3:15 PM

Dreams are Sacred Doorways to Divine Mysticism and
Guidance. During this interactive class- that consists of 20% teaching and 80% participation- the Mystical Experience will focus on the use of colorful  life-size tribe and Venetian Style masquerade masks to assist in unmasking the
meaning of the participant’s dreams and nightmares.

  • Participants will take turns choosing a mask “that beckons to them concerning their dream.”
  • The masked participant will share sound, stance and emotions associated with their dream.
  • The class will participate in group dream interpretation to find the “Mystical Pearl of Wisdom.”

Click Here to Download Course Schedule + Agenda

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