Reveal + Heal

African-American voices and leaders at First Unity join together to provide concrete and specific action steps and information for YOU to take now.

Take time to learn from these influencers and leaders at First Unity Spiritual Campus. New videos will be added regularly. When pain and conditions continue to reveal themselves it’s because they have never been healed. It is time for us as a nation to heal systemic racism. We are grateful for these teachers and the work they do in the world.United we stand. Divided we are merely a distraction.— Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes


Reverend Christie Hardwick


Take a few minutes to share in this personal message from Rev. Christie on driving through the country with the intention of revealing a sense of belonging and healing through the capacity to face things that have been painful or fearful in the past. What in you is ready to be revealed and healed that will help us to continue moving towards a world that works for everyone? What is your resilience and willingness to face what is?


Reverend Christie Hardwick

Say Their Names

We affirm the power of word in this is exercise in revealing and healing racism. George Floyd, Ahmad Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, and on, and on, and on. Say their names. Are you ready to identify yourself as someone who cares about them as actual people? Say your name. Learn about the lives beyond the news and the lives not in the news. They were here. They lived. What were their dreams, aspirations, hungers, desires? Say their names and know them. And then say your name to add your name as one who stands up for others – as an accomplice in anti-racism to end systemic racism.


Rev. Rebekah Joy Mooney

Black Lives Matter

Acknowledging the truth of black lives matter awakes those who are asleep. Once you know better, time to do better! As the hymn goes “God crowned thy good with brotherhood.” The question is when will all lives matter?


Lola B. Morgan

We need more than Empathy

Author, motivational speaker, and leader Lola B. Morgan shares how racism systematically affects communities and perpetually affects the minds of those within it.

Black lives do matter. Black lives do not matter only because of a color of skin, black lives matter because of the inhumanity shown to them over time. 2020 has allowed an awakening for those who have so far chosen not to see. How do we heal? We must start in our homes, hearts and minds and voices. It’s time to stop and listen. We need more than empathy. This is our struggle as a collective.


Reverend Christie Hardwick


Staying centered in Divine right action allows us to continue taking inspired action, and to be a greater channel of love. As we raise our vibration and return to the awareness of our wholeness we can continually ask ourselves where we are on the spectrum of our consciousness of separation.

Hate > Indifference > Responsibility > Concern > Compassion > Love > Oneness


Reverend Christie Hardwick

Crisis and opportunity for tremendous growth

Now is the time to reveal and heal the dis-ease we call racism.

  • What do you know about the history of African-American people in the United States?
  • What do you know about the roots of racism?
  • What do you know about the magnificence of the contributions of the African-American people?
  • And what do you need to know?

Without understanding, our actions can be less effective.

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