Kathryn Morrow
Blessings for continued spiritual direction for using all your talents, wisdom, and love for another 30 years. May the peace and grace of God always flow through you as you empower others to live their best life. As Rev Don would say, "thank you, thank you, thank you".
Khristy Ferguson
Rev. Temple, what a light you have always been! Thank you for sharing your time and talents with all of us. Your smile brightens a room. Your wisdom runs deep and I appreciate your constant dedication. May God continue to bless you and you continue to bless others.
Greg Morgan
Thank you for the blessing you are into the world, with such integrity and across formats, platforms and distance (hi from New Zealand). Happy Anniversary.
lori hisson
Beloved Temple,
Congratulations on 30 years in ministry! That's a huge accomplishment that has blessed so many people including me. Thanks for being a dynamic force for good. Blessings Rev. Lori Hisson Ontario Canada
Lisa Salvi
I am honored to know you and to call you my friend! You inspire me and others every single day!Congratulations on this amazing milestone of 30 Years!
Much love and gratitude,
Lisa Salvi
Virginia Monroe
Love you very much !
Karen Wolfson
Happiest anniversary and heartfelt congratulations to you, my dearest friend and "Divine Diva!" See your radiant evolution during these past decades since we first met at Asilomar has been an inspiration joy. You are making a powerful difference in our world as you courageously let your brilliant light shine. With love and admiration, Karen
Trudy Bower
Thank you for seeing me! ❤️ Trudy
Becca McCoy
I celebrate this milestone with you across the miles! Love you deeply, Difference Maker. Congratulations!
Debi Vanek
Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes
Thank you for sharing your beauty, wisdom, faith, positivity, and love with not only my brother Brian but the world, as it is clearly a better place with you in it! Congratulations and happy 30th anniversary of your service and commitment to ministry. Respectfully, Debi Vanek
Barb Berger
Dearest Temple,
When I walked into First Unity ten years ago, I was blank. Seriously blank. Numb is may be a better word. There was a fire burning deep inside me though, and you helped that fire come alive. I cried every service, from your words which were igniting that passion inside me. Before you knew me, you walked by and saw me struggling to hold back an avalanche of emotions, and you said, “hang in there girl.” I will never forget that, because I knew you “got me.” I don’t know if you realize how deeply your Sunday messages touch people, especially when you go REAL. I appreciate you so much and will be forever grateful to call you my friend and minister. Congratulations for 30 years of allowing Spirit to guide you, so you can guide all of us! 💜Barb
Debra Nardi
To our Amazing “Light Bearer” and “Pillar of Strength “! Reverend Dr. Temple Hayes, you keep us Going and Going and Going. Thank you for showing us the way to become “Difference Makers”! You hold the “Torch”! Happy 30th First Unity Anniversary!
Love, Debra Nardi
Donna Kirby
Rev Dr Temple
Now is the time we honor YOU and celebrate your 30th anniversary of your 30 years of AMAZING service!
Rev Temple is blessed as a Master Navigator in her teachings, providing healing and guidance to find a new path of honesty and change to travel our life’s path mindfully choosing what we think, believe and feel to truly live our own truth!
Thank you very much Rev Temple
Laura Hartman
Sunlight helps to disinfect viruses and extremists. I honor your Light. Here is to way showing for another 30 years! A’HO
Namjai Plenty
My first Sunday at First Unity, you came prancing down the aisle singing the hokey pokey.
Your vibrant spirit has blessed so many lost souls, and I’m grateful mine was one of them.
When you heard I was joining Peace Corps, you told me to “be the core of peace.” Those words rang in my ears for years. I’m still working on it, getting closer.
Your words, your vision, your delivery inspire me.
Last Sunday, I returned to First Unity after many years traveling the globe. I was delighted to be back. I felt right at home.
Thank you for showing up and doing the work to minister to us year after year, to foster community, to nurture a garden of peaceful minds with your clarity, wit, authenticity and devotion.
Blessed be, Rev Temple.
Gillian and Gerhard Endress
We love you Temple - you are an amazing leader and we so appreciate all your caring and support for us on our amazing journey - we always look forward to coming on sundays - God bless always
Tracey Johnson
You have been such an inspiration and abundant part of my life❤️ Congratulations on your 30th. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met, Thank you for all the gifts and memories. Love Tracey
Rev. Serena Hemmer
Dearest Rev. Dr. Temple,
How do I begin to communicate to you all that you have done to support and broaden my spiritual and professional journeys? Serendipitously, your messages have truly been exactly what I needed to hear at the moment I heard them. You have guided me in my role as minister by sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and expertise as well as your example as a teacher and leader. I am so grateful I found First Unity Spiritual Campus and that you have been my Spiritual Leader and Mentor. Congratulations on 30 years of ministry and affirming you will have at least 30 more!!
With love and great gratitude,
Rev. Serena Hemmer
Ami Bowen
To doing the work and enjoying the process! Thank you for living your life out loud and shining that bright, bright light. We Love You!
Rev.Marya Flurnoy
Rev. Temple, Congratulations!
When we met 25 years ago, we knew you were stepping into more amazingness!
Thank you for all the love, wisdom, and insights you share!
You encouraged empowerment and leadership.
This celebration is a reflection for all of us!
You shine through us. We shine through you!
Celebrating you with love, joy, laughter, and miles of smiles! May your light shine bright, may you always be blessed, may your heart sing, and may you always have comfort in the One Power and Presence! Love to you! Thank you! Shine on!
Revs, Marya and Ron
Natasha A. Pierre
“I am not giving you answers. I want to help you find your answer.” – Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes.
Sunday, March 10, 2019, was the first day I attended First Unity Spiritual Campus, and I thoroughly enjoyed the service. It was light and fun in a way I had never experienced.
I grew up in church and had attended church all my life. I was happy in church, and I was happy on this Sunday as well. However, the “aha moment” was the realization that what felt different about this environment was that I was not only happy, but I also felt free! Over the next few weeks, it became clear that First Unity Spiritual Campus was the spiritual hospital where I would undergo the necessary mind, body and heart surgery to prepare for my next chapter, and Rev. Temple was the surgeon. Each Sunday provided another layer of clarity and empowerment that transformed me from someone who questioned her footing and place in this world, to a powerful difference maker.Rev. Temple, thank you for seeing me. Thank you for pouring into me, including me, and for creating opportunities for me. Thank you for your leadership, and for how you model “Unity”. Each time I am in your presence, I learn, and I grow. I am eternally grateful. Happy Anniversary!
Your light is a gift to my life. Your light is a gift to all who encounter you. Your light is evidence of the God in all of us. Thank you for sharing with such generosity, passion and love.
Deborah Mann
Congratulations on your 30 year anniversary in ministry! I am so proud to be a part of First Unity Spiritual Campus! Thank you for being a strong positive influence, in my life, and the lives of so many others!!❤️
Dr. Temple
I want to first thank you for having me to worship in your services. Congratulation on 30 years of serving. You deserve so much for all you do, all you've done and ALL your going to continue to do. We love and appreciate you Dr. Temple. Peace & Blessings💖💯🌈🧚
Jacinta Elder
Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes is as innovative as the community she leads. She is a definitely the spiritual leader needed in the New Thought movement in turbulent times such as these when almost every man-made construct in the world seems to screaming loud and clear "not unity". She is that voice to stand firmly and state the opposite and the spiritual leader that will keep the movement on the path of new thinking while disrupting the old way of thinking. First Unity is appropriately positioned, with Sr. temple at the helm, to lead that conversation into the future.
Judy Staunko
One blessed with the bluest eyes and marvelous hair! A soul who carries the graciousness of the South and deep wisdom. Happy Anniversary Temple, Celebrating your many gifts.
Rev. Dr. Beverly Boyarsky
The universe truly brought me to Florida for a specific reason. I am blessed to have found my home at First Unity and a true special friend in you. Our calling to serve is our common bond and I pray that your path continues for another 30 years. Mazel tov and Happy Anniversary!
Barbara Zagaria
Congratulations and blessings!
Rev Carolyn Ballenger
Thank you for all that you are, all that you do and all that you share, for dedicating your life in the service of others and for being my mentor and my guide as I seek ordination thru illli. And thank you for sharing the stage and allowing me to share my words and my songs that Spirit has shared with and thru me. May you continue to follow your heart and fulfill your dreams each and every day. Namaste' and Blessings Dearest One, Rev. Carolyn
Mickey Sheridan
I have a song in my heart for you today. What an amazing journey you have walked and continue to be a channel of radiant light for all of us. Congratulations blessed be this day... we are blessed in many ways. YOU I LOVE...🥳👏💗🌟
Joyful Living
Rev Mickey
Russell Heiland
Richest blessings to you as you celebrate 30 years in New Thought ministry!
Mike Quinn
Congratulations Reverend Temple! Thank you for your light, love, and healing presence. I’m so grateful to be apart of this church and in all that you and the team do on a daily basis. I send all my love and light to you.
Congratulations! Mike.
sandra kitt
Congratulations on your 30 years of ministry! Thank you for being an incredible leader, example, and mentor. Your love and example have made all the difference in my life and the lives of so many around the world.
RoseAnna Quinn
Rev Dr Temple, Today I surely trust you are receiving as much as you give. You deserve this heartfelt💙recognition💜today. To me personally, you have facilitated so many wonderful changes in my life and I believe your messages have changed my thinking in such a short time. I have let go of my unnecessary fear and guilt, which opened up room for more Love and isn’t that what God wants for us.💖 Love, RoseAnna
Sue Sartin
Kudos to you for having the courage to follow your Calling!!! Thank you and BB for manifesting a Center filled with Spiritual Power which promotes expansion for All who enter the doors!!! Thank you for vibrating at such a high frequency to attract our other leaders and staff!! I applaud you for your service and dedication to Humanity’s Soul Growth! Your Light shined over the hills and through the woods all the way to Kentucky! Stay Lit Sister!!!
Zyon Christante
My Beautiful daughter, here amidst Creation, you are my dear One and I have given you everything. Don’t worry about anything, keep on choosing to be happy in all!
I embrace you fully and know that no matter what happens, we will always be together - Your Mother Father Creator
Donna Hale
Thank you Temple for your vision and insight to create a spiritual space where all are truly welcome. Thank you Temple for your ability to attract amazing and wonderful people to carry on the stewardship and energy work that began as a dream within you. Thank you Temple for the expansion to become more than we were before we came. And finally, thank you Temple for loving us with laughter. ❤️
Sharon Lardieri
Temple, meeting you and becoming a part of First Unity has been a life-altering experience for me! I will forever be grateful for the messages that are so life affirming and for your friendship and support. You are EXCELLENT!
Cindy Zontek
Congratulations on 30 years of leading and inspiring! We have found our spiritual home and are blessed by your teachings. We are sending love and blessings to you.
Cindy & Jana Zontek
Paula Tyer
YOU are a great Apostle and we are all blessed to have stood in your light.While a disciple is a student, one who learns from a teacher. An Apostle is sent to deliver those teachings to others.
Apostle YOU ARE ... a person who teaches the truth that gives people power .. the acceptance and knowledge that GOD loves them ... and the strength to see who they really are and take control of their life in a postive way.
You have touched the many lives of your flock and brought words that pierced their hearts so that truth could flow in and they could act on the outpouring of their convictions. Convictions that allowed them to make positive life changes, abandoning the dark places, and moving into a healthy and happy place.
You are a person whose smile actually means "I LOVE YOU", a person whose eyes say "I'M PRAYING FOR YOU" and a person whose lessons from the pulpit make you grab life's reins and say "I can take on the world, Bring it On!"
We love, love, love you and we appreciate you and are proud to call you 'our own'.
Matthew Dalonzo
Happy Anniversary!!! 30 years of influence, change and many mind engagements led to a spiritual path for all to witness. Amazing work.
Wanda Nero Butler
I can’t imagine my life without you in it…. Correction…. I “DON’T” IMAGINE MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU IN IT!! We’re in this moment, living and loving every moment, continuing to walk in harmony, this journey called Life! Luv u much😘🥰😍
Rev. Richard Boggs
It's a great honor to call you a co-laborer in ministry, a mentor and a good friend. Wishing you the very best next thirty years in ministry.
Laurie Lampert
Rev. Temple,
I would like to congratulate you on your 30 years in Ministry. You have inspired me over the years to check who is in my boat. Through my ups and downs, failures and successes, and overall teachable moments you have been there for me. I am a better person for being in your presence. Thank you for all you do for me, Alyssa and our commUnity.
Kimberley Harrell
Congratulations Temple !!
I am so grateful and thankful for you in my life. You inspire me, teach me and model leadership from the heart. .I appreciate your unique and always thought provoking perspective so loving shared. You make me better everyday and I am blessed to be on your 'team'
Dennis Pitocco
"When you have a dream, grab it and never, ever, let go..." Our heartfelt thanks to you Temple, for never, ever letting go. We are honored to call you our friend. Dennis & Ali
Cheryl Mcdaniel
We honor you, respect you and well......just love you bunches.
Congratulations on such a big honor!Cheryl, Allan and Sofi girl!
Victoria Shearer
It has been 25 years Full Circle Since You Entered my life It All Came To Me Sunday the 27th of June I came Home. You have been there Through My Life for 25 years for years I thought of You as My Angel You Told me When I was Getting Abused By Andrew's Father Michael Vines You Helped Introduce Me to Jim and Cindy Durham she was in advertising at the Times her parents Were owner's or something at New York Times we ate Sunny Bird Sandwiches The Marble Rye Cream Cheese fresh Chives Alpha Sprouts and Bean Sprouts with a Slice of Turkey Slice of Ham and Swiss Cheese top Part is Marble Rye Bread Cream Cheese Fresh Chives Sunflower Kernels and Alpha and Bean Sprouts. I to this Day Still Eat Those Sandwiches and Remember what You and Cindy Told Me at Lunch You Don't Owe Him Anything Leave While U Are Still Alive Stay and you may leave in a Body Bag that Stuck To Me Like Glue I stayed for a while and tried to play it out we went to get my Sonogram with Dr Tina Bugsby a New OB Dr in Saint Petersburg in January 22 1996 his face when he found out there was 2 Babies He waited that night and Handed me a letter with 500 dollars in it to get rid of the situation I was scared and Went with my gut and Used the 500 bucks and Spent it at the Montgomery Ward's Outlet Store for the babies he came back later that night and beat me to a almost Pulp tried to Drowning me in the toilet. A nurse from Unity knew I was in a Abusive Relationship came to check on me and called someone a Blonde hair Angel who had Blue Eyes Told me u didn't Listen I See anyway u all got me to a hospital and. The thing that the lady scoped up in the Ziploc Gallon Size was a fetus they wanted to do a DNC I said No I am Carrying Twins abd Sure Enough My Miracle Andrew was hidden under my Ribs protected from the Trauma Got a Moving van and Had Andrew Zachary Nichols 9/6/1996 in Du.Quoin Illinois and Those Seedlings You and Cindy Planted at Lunch Eating Sunny Bird Sandwiches are my Happy sandwich it's the little things U Do Without Realizing them seed's have Grown and are Still Growing U Told me when I was Ready To Come Home I knew Where U where located u have been there for me 25 year's and Thank You My Guarding Angel has a Name Mrs Temple . Glad to meet You Again I am Willing to Heal and Continue to Grow and Inspire People Using Some of those same Seed's U planted 25 years ago that still are Growing You Also Told Me You are a Light You Choose Who or What Puts Out Your Light U Told me I was Rare actually I am I Can't Stay Dead. Woke up in those Body Bag's a Many of times. Wanted to tell u I owe you. Live Like There's No Tomorrow. Victoria Shearer
Mike Bowen
A beam of light brighter than the sun and way more personable 🙂 Thanks for being a great leader and continuing to shine your light on this planet. Congratulations on 30 years!
Nanci Hawks
Hi, Temple :)❣I am over the top with Thankfulness for You in my life! Radical positivity, Yes; and so neatly backed by True LOVE, Inner Wisdom, and deep, respectful Caring for All, you walk your sacred path sharing Great Spirit's Presence, Power, Understanding, and Light with deep (and Fun;) KNOWING and Grace! Thanks for BEING YOU! ENJOY! and Congratulations, Love!😄🤗😁💞💖💞
Laura and Sam Angelides
Congratulations dear friend on this achievement! May you continue to inspire us and to be inspired. Love and Light
Zyon Christante
I give thanks to our Mother Father Creator, for the power of Love which shines brilliantly in Reverend Temple Hayes. Our family is forever blessed by her ministry!
Matthew Dalonzo
You have steered a ship through an incredible storm. Within Wind, Lightning and Rain you speak the language that inspires our congregation to seek the open waters of peace and tranquility. Thank You for keeping me going in life as I sail my own ship in the turbulent waters of the new normals in daily life.
Aileen curtin
Congratulations Temple on over 30 yrs in ministry. You are a beacon of light in the world and a change agent. You create a community at First Unity that is truly inclusive and totally embodies unconditional love. Words can never express how much you mean to me as your congregant, friend, and soul sister. Congratulations on this wonderful honor and achievement.
Carol Dalessandro
...you were the missing piece to my puzzle...
Carolyn Lebanowski
Congratulations Temple!
I just want you to know the impact you have made on my life. You have taught, coached and mentored in so many ways and on so many levels. I am a better woman today - because of you! Celebrating you every day that ends in a Y.
Jennifer Masters
Wishing you a lifetime more of joy and service.